Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Home sweet,..... Falmouth?

Ok so Ident,.... I think it went really really well in consideration, My idea admittedly wasn't fantastic as I rushed it after wanting to use my original Idea of Zirra, Although in saying this I think I spent a lot of the time helping other people out as well, which to be honest, I enjoy as well, I like to know that my peers think I know something (When half the time, they knew it all along, they just panic.) But yeah, I think I achieved something good with my work and having shown some of my old tutors they're all impressed with the fact I've managed to keep my style flowing throughout, it may be true that I'm not a fantastic artist, but to have kept my individuality and the fact people can tell it's me, is pretty cool.

So my process in production was.
Photoshop - Create initial Texture backgrounds
Maya - Create and Animate the book I used. (using a tutorial it was quiet an easy feat.)
After Effects - Make the moving picture files, exporting them as TGA's (this took a few times to get right.
Pro-tools - Creating my Sound track. =D Recorded and edited myself, I really wanted everything for my Ident to be very personal and likable.
Maya - Texture book, table and pages, this took some time due to having used Nurbs planes, it textured both front and back the same which gave my little perfectionist mind a bit of a ball ache. Exporting again as TGA's
After Effects - Creating the starting and ending points and adding the 5 second hold. Exporting as a move file.
Adobe Premier - Putting it all together, easy as pie really, throw the clip in, and the music and voila!

All in all, I really enjoyed this peice of work and think I did fairly well. So here you go, here's a few Images and Pre-Pro I did before the actual peice was made.
This was my initial story board, just a few roughs done in photoshop, but in all honesty, I don't think I could have explained my idea any better.

And here is my final peice.

(Ps. Sorreh it's on Youtube, I'll upload it to Blogger when I next have hands on the raw file.)